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Club History – MVGRS

The History of the Miami Valley Garden Railway Society

By: Karen Engel

Beginning of Miami Valley Garden Railway Society

Septerber 8, 1991 Organizational meeting at Cox Arboretum
Bob Roe
Lance Crooks
Bryant Fannin

Feb 1992 Club name was Miami Valley”G” Scale Association the bi-monthly newsletter
was called Steam in the Valley. First meeting had 20 people in attendance. Paul Busse presented a talk about his company Applied Imagination

Bryant Fannin – President
Bill Hull – Treasurer
Phil Herbert – 1st newsletter editor
Bob & Jackie Clark, Lance Crooks, Rich Roe also in attendance

March 1992 Display at Lawn and Garden Show at Dayton Mall with “Grandma’s Gardens” Doug Rhinehart (the owner) was 1st business member of the club.
Participated Cox Arboretum Festival on May 8-10.
Club logo and club car discussed
Bob and Diane Van Hook joined club

June 1992 Retirement of newsletter editor due to health problems – Bob Van Hook took over as editor.
Plans for “G” gauge clinic at Weygerzyn Horticultural Center on June 27, 1992
New members Jack and Sharon Wilson

Oct 1992 Plans for a 32’x32’ layout for annual NMRA show at Hara Arena
Shirts available with club logo at this meeting
Set up display at Clifton Mill
Bob Yingst of McCray signs made the large sign that we did display on the crossbucks. the current sign was made by Leonard Williams in 2006.
First club party at “Trains Restaurant” in Troy (later destroyed by fire) evolved into the current annual banquet and established the tradition of the trains circling the tables

Jan 1993 First election of officers
Bryant Fannin – President
Bill Hull – Treasurer
Sharon Wilson – Secretary
Frank Klatt
24 families and 2 businesses were on the roster

April 1993 29 family, 2 business and 1 honorary memberships
Bill Hull resigned as Treasurer and Jack Wilson was appointed to fill the remainder of his term.

Oct 1993 Voted to change the name to Miami Valley Garden Railway Society

Jan 1994 Officers elected
President – Frank Klatt
Vice President – Rich Roe
Treasurer – Jack Wilson
Secretary – Sharon Wilson
Newsletter editor – Bob Hawley
Equipment – Denny LaMusga
Membership _ Bob Mengelkoch
Hospitality – Wil Davis
Winter meetings will be held at Fanjoy’s Signs and Hobbies in Fairborn.

Feb 1994 Renamed the newsletter “Tracks”
Recognition to Bryant Fannin for the first years of growth and being President.

April 1994 New members Leonard and Jennifer Williams

May 1994 Participated in first American Model & Steam Festival at Carillon Park

July 1994 Bob Hawley retired as editor of newsletter and Wil and Jeanne Davis took over.

Sep. 1994 New members Marty and Bud Ragan

March 1995 Board of MVGRS
President – Frank Klatt
VP – Denny LaMusga
Secretary – Ginny Grody
Treasurer – Jack Wilson
Hospitality – Frank Klatt
Editors – Wil and Jeanne Davis

Dec 1995 First Christmas Party at Barnhart’s


President – Frank Klatt
VP – Denny LaMusga
Secretary – Ginny Grody
Treasurer – Jack Wilson
Hospitality – Pat Hagerty
Editors – Wil and Jeanne Davis
New members Richard and Bonnie Gulling

March 1996 MVGRS Board
President – Frank Klatt
VP – Denny LaMusga
Treasurer – Jack Wilson
Programs – Sharon Wilson
Membership – Joe DeWitt
Editors – Wil and Jeanne Davis

Dec 1996 New members Art and Betty Gebele
Contributed toys to MR/DD kids for first time


Jan 1997 MVGRS Board
President – Sharon Wilson
VP – Jack Wilson
Treasurer – Bud Ragan
Secretary – Marty Ragan
Operations – Denny LaMusga
Marketing – Frank Klatt
Membership – Joe DeWitt
Programs – John Bernard
Editors – Wil and Jeanne Davis

Feb 1997 Annual Banquet at Neil’s Heritage House

April 1997 Board added Bill and Mary Hull as Historians

Jun 1997 New members Gordon and Judy Havens

Sep 1997 Annual picnic at Wahlbroehl’s
Set up and run G gauge layout in Kettering Tower lobby during the holidays for the first time.

Nov 1997 NMRA layout will be 40’ x 50’ this year

Dec 1997 Christmas Party at Barnhart’s
John Bernard broke bones in foot after falling off a table while setting up for Sugarplum

Jan 1998 MVGRS Board
President – Sharon Wilson
VP – Jack Wilson
Secretary – Marty Ragan
Treasurer – Bud Ragan
Marketing – Frank Klatt
Programs – John Bernard
Membership – Joe DeWitt
Operations – Denny LaMusga
Equipment – Gary Sines
Editors – Wil and Jeanne Davis
Historians – Bill and Mary Hull

Feb 1998 Board change Christine Fannin as Historian
Thanks to Peter Wine as Chair of Rail & Steam Festival
Thanks to Bonnie Gulling and Judy LaMusga as co-chairs of Sugarplum
Annual Banquet at Neil’s Heritage House.
New members Rodney and Donna Meek

August 1998 Annual LGB Model Railroad Club convention Aug. 16, 17 & 18 
14 MVGRS members will have Open House
Betty and Art Gebele
Marty and Bud Ragan
Mary and Bill Hull
Sharon and Jack Wilson
Gordon Walbroehl
Pat Hagerty and Frank Klatt
Judy and Denny LaMusga
Roberta and Bob Mengelkoch
Liz and Mike Barnhart
Jeanne and Wil Davis
Mary and Kirk Perkins
Betty Betscher and Gene Rahrig
Sue and Don Wright
John Bernard

Sep 1998 Annual picnic at Chuck and Pat Merrow’s

Oct 1998 Purchased new trailer for equipment
Workshop to make ornaments for Sugarplum tree lead by Bonnie Gulling

Nov 1998 Made Train Engineer caps out of striped fabric to decorate tree for display at Sugarplum
NMRA chairman was Lance Crooks. Ravenswood Gardens of St. Paris, OH owned by Bob and Jeni Filbrun furnished the plants
Thanks for trailer project
Gary Sines
Frank Klatt
Denny LaMusga
John Bernard
Mike Barnhart
Raffle train for Sugarplum was the 30th Anniversary Set donated by LGB of America
Workshop to build “blue foam” buildings at Sue Wright’s for houses for Kid’s layout

Dec 1998 Christmas Party at Barnhart’s
Received check from Virginia Kettering for $1000.

Jan 1999 MVGRS Board
President – Jack Wilson
VP – Bonnie Gulling
Treasurer – Bud Ragan
Secretary – Marty Ragan
Marketing – Frank Klatt
Membership – Joe DeWitt
Equipment – Gary Sines
Operations – Denny LaMusga
Programs – John Bernard
Historians – Gordon and Judy Havens
Editors – Wil and Jeanne Davis

March 1999 Thanks to Sue and Don Wright for letting us copy “Tracks” in color on their new Color Copier for their business Trade Winds Imports
Decker Doggett, long time member and webmaster for MVGRS died suddenly of a heart attack.

July 1999 “Big Blue” portable layout designed & built between Dec 1998 and March 1999 in time 
For Train show at Hara Arena
Frank Klatt
Gordon Havens
Sue Wright
Denny LaMusga
Jack Wilson
Mike and Liz Barnhart
Wil and Jeanne Davis
Gene Rahrig
New members Richard and Robbie Hughes 

Aug 1999 MVGRS Annual Picnic at Ron & Barb Underwood’s
GATS Sue Wright chairman
Stutzman’s Nursery provided plants
Raffle train won by Hugh Williams
Gordon Havens is taking responsibility for portable track layout, he will set up and tear 
down and supervise

Open Houses
Buckeye Falls RR
Wil and Jeanne Davis
Little Gorge and Beavercreek RR
Frank Klatt & Pat Hagerty
Dayton & Southwestern/Walbroehl Bahn
Gordon & Darlene Walbroehl
Sep 1999 Open houses
Upright and Grand RR
Mike and Liz Barnhart
Art and Betty RR
Art and Betty Gebele
CP&L Froggy Bottom RR
Chuck and Pat Merrow
Grand Eight RR
Ed & Marion Sensebaugh

Dec 1999 Christmas Party at Barnhart’s “Music Palace”
Contributed toys to MR/DD kids 
Tom Elliot won raffle train at “Hollyfest” at Northridge H.S.

Jan 2000 

President – Jack Wilson
VP – Bonnie Gulling
Secretary – Judy Havens
Treasurer – Bud Ragan
Marketing – Frank Klatt
Programs – John Bernard
Membership – Sharon Wilson
Operations – Denny LaMusga
Equipment – Gary Sines
Historians – Gordon and Judy Havens
Editors – Wil and Jeanne Davis
Webmaster – Peter Wine

Feb 2000 Annual Banquet at Presidential Banquet Center 53 members attended
Jeanne Palermo, Director of Museum services at Carillon Park was speaker
Mounted Kids Layout for Hara Arena show on plywood

March 2000 New MVGRS website, Webmaster Peter Wine

April 2000 Springfield Train Show, Clark Co. Fairgrounds
Portable Layout introduced to Club

May 2000 Stutzman’s Nursery is stocking plants to work with small scale layouts
Became member of Wegerzyn Horticultural Center
Gave a talk to the Beavercreek Rotary Club about trains and their various gauges

June 2000 Helped celebrate 50th anniversary of Carillon Park.

July 2000 GATS at Hara Arena – Groby’s Garden Center helped
Club member Dick Gulling died of Lou Gehrig’s disease

Aug 2000 Annual Picnic at Dale Smith’s in Ginghamsburg
Richmond, IN Railroad Days Aug 26-27
Chip Winter died from Leukemia

Open Houses 
Klatt & Hagerty

Oct 2000 Agawa Canyon, Lionel Trains and CARAIL Tour

Nov 2000 NMRA Show at Hara Arena – Christmas theme – Reynolds won the train set

Dec 2000 Christmas Party at Barnhart’s – gifts for MRDD kids
Portable layout at Christ UMC in Kettering for 5 Sundays
Meadow View Growers had a display for Christmas and may put in a permanent one
New members – Malcolm, Vicki and Dianna Reynolds
Leroy and Helen Swihart
Rick Jones

Jan 2001 10 year Anniversary of MVGRS

President – Jack Wilson
VP – Bonnie Gulling
Secretary – Judy Havens
Treasurer – Bud Ragan
Marketing – Frank Klatt
Programs – John Bernard
Membership – Sharon Wilson
Operations – Gordon Havens
Equipment – Gary Sines
Historian –Judy Havens
Editors – Wil and Jeanne Davis
Webmaster – Peter Wine
Portable display will be at the Farmers Market on Saturdays
Expanded the Kettering Tower lobby display

Mar 2001 Annual Banquet at the Presidential Banquet Center
Home Show at the Convention Center for Groby’s
Swap meet with Greater Cincinnati Garden Railway Society members
New members – Davis Electronics

April 2001 Springfield Train Show
East Coast Large Scale Train Show, York, PA
Position changes – Gary Sines – Deputy to Director of Operations
Denny LaMusga – Equipment Manager

May 2001 Carillon Park Rail & Steam Festival

June 2001 International G-Day
Display at Green Vista Water Lily Festival
New members – Stutzman’s Nursery 
Dave and Carol Dalton
Alice Leach

July 2001 LGB Convention Atlanta, GA
Portable display at Friendship Village
New Club vests available

Aug 2001 GATS at Hara – Bill Pershing won the train set

Sep 2001 Columbus Garden RR Open Houses – 22 members displayed
10th Anniversary/ Picnic
Open Houses 
Stutzman’s Nursery

Oct 2001 Hocking Valley Scenic Train ride 35 members attended

Nov 2001 NMRA at Hara
Dec 2001 Christmas Party – Barnhart’s bring a gift for MRDD kid
MVGRS jackets now available

Jan 2002 

Dayton Home Show for Groby’s

Board Members
President – Jack Wilson 
VP – Bonnie Gulling
Secy. – Judy Havens
Treas. – Bud Ragan
Marketing – Frank Klatt
Programs – John Bernard
Membership – Sharon Wilson
Operations – Gordon Havens
Equipment – Denny LaMusga
Historian – Edy Wine
Webmaster Peter Wine
Editors – Wil & Jeanne Davis

Feb 2002 GATS at Airport Expo Center

Mar 2002 Annual Banquet
New Members – Jim & Karen Engel
Alan & Penny Tapp

April 2002 East Coast Large Scale Train Show – 5th annual, York, PA

May 2002 New Members – Lynn Beane and Chris & Leslie Schultz
Lunch with the Trains at Stutzman’s Nursery
Plant exchange among members

5th annual G-Day
“Spring Fling” at Stutzman’s

Jul 2002 Road Trip – Washington, PA Trolley Museum, Western Maryland Murder Mystery Dinner Train, Potomac Eagle Lunch Train, Durbin Rocket Steam Fireworks Train, 
Tygart Flyer Deluxe Buffet Train – 29 members attended

LGB Club Convention at Disney World
Pond Expo at Polen Farm
Puppet show at Wegerzyn with us having a train display

Aug 2002 GATS at Airport Expo Center – Corey Flesher won the train set
Annual Picnic – Rocket program by Frank Klatt
Dual distribution of the “Tracks”, finally, electronic only after August
Richmond, IN Railroad Days

Patty Smith died at Hospice

Oct 2002 Carillon Park “Fun in the Fall”- Caleb Courter won the train set

Nov 2002 NMRA Show at Hara – Lloyd Wright won the train set
New Members – Bob and Dolores Premus, Bobby Premus and Kim deLong

Dec 2002 Annual Christmas at Barnhart’s – MRDD gifts for kids
Webster Street Market Train display
Christmas display at Groby’s


President…Jack Wilson

Vice Pres…Bonnie Gulling

Secy………..Judy Havens

Treasurer…Bud Ragan

Marketing…Frank Klatt

Programs…John Bernard

Membership..Pat Hagerty

Operations Gordon Havens

Equip Chair…Denny LaMusga

Editors……..Wil & Jeanne Davis

Historian…..Edy Wine

Webmaster Peter Wine


Jan. 2003

Monthly meeting at Wegerzyn Garden center with Gary Sines presenting a program on “scratch building”. Hosts Jim and Karen Engel. Open house after meeting at Gordon & Judy Havens. Election of officers for 2003.only change was Vice Pres. Leonard Williams elected.


Feb. meeting at Wegerzyn with Gary Sines continuing his “scratch built” program. New members welcomed…Chris & Leslie Schultz, Tom & Theresa Elliott.


Mar. meeting Annual Banquet at Presidential Banquet Center on March 9. Speaker is Paul Busse describing his various area layouts. March 14 we set up a display and had demonstrations at the GATS Train Show at the Airport Expo Center.


April was the East Coast Large Scale Train Show in York, PA. from April 4 until 6. Meeting is at Wegerzyn with Gene Rahrig and Chuck Merrow presenting “ways to Control Trains’…Both these gentlemen use means other than track power to control their trains. Membership is 96 regular members and 4 business members.


May meeting at Mill Ridge Village with discussion lead by Jack Wilson about various MVGRS positions. We had a layout at Carillon Park on May 17 from 9am until 5pm. Boy Scout Camporee at the Air Force Museum, we had a layout manned by Jim and Karen Engel.


June meeting at Jim Thornbury’s, we will tour his layout and see his various collectibles. Hosts Leonard & Jennifer Williams. Denny & Judy LaMusga had an “open house” of their layout on Jun. 29, it was well attended.


July meeting at Gordon & Darlene Walbroehl’s with Bob Marcischak giving a talk about planning layouts, site selection, operating constraints. Hosts are Bob & Delores Premus.


August meeting was held at Denny & Judy LaMusga’s. Barbara Abler presented a program on plants in miniature scale suitable for your layouts. Several MVGRS members traveled to San Diego, CA for the 19th National Garden Railway Convention.


September is our annual picnic at Gene Rahrig & Betty Betscher’s. We held open houses for the Indiana Big Train Engineers and our club members. We also had a “Rail Raising” at the Premus house for Bobby. On Sep. 27, we went to Connorsville, IN. to ride the Whitewater Valley Railroad.


October meeting was at Mill Ridge Village with several “roundtable” demonstrations on sound, trestles, foam buildings. Hosts are Joe & Judy Yeager. We set up a layout for the GATS show at the Airport Expo Center.


Nov. meeting was at Carillon Park in the Kettering Building Atrium. Peter Wine presented a program on his computer about the Premus “railraising”.


Dec. meeting was our annual Christmas Party at Barnhardt’s. We set up a loop of track at Carillon Park in the Kettering Building for their Christmas display. Membership has Caroline & Randy Watterworth joining with their son Tommy.


Jan. 2004 meeting at Carillon Kettering Building. Bob Marcischak had a program on types of track and the pros and cons of the various types. Elections were held with Jack Wilson as Pres., Leonard Williams as VP, Bud Ragan as Tres. and Judy Havens as Secry for 2005.


Feb. meeting at Mill Ridge Village with three roundtable discussions on “buying trains on the internet” by Gordon Havens, “assembly of kits” by Gordon Walbroehl and “ponds” by Peter Wine.


Mar. meeting was our annual Banquet at the Presidential Banquet Center with the speaker Jim Bucher from WDTN-TV.


April meeting at Mill Ridge Village with Wil Davis presenting “powering your rails”. Hosts were Tom & Theresa Elliott.


May meeting at Mill Ridge Village with Gary Sines discussing prototypes for new track designs. Arrangements were made to hire a bus to take us to Indianapolis for the Indianapolis Garden Railway tour.


June meeting at Sue & Don Wright’s. See their new layout and pond. Midwest Large Scale Train Show was in Springfield, IL. May 21-23. Bob Marcischak wrote an article this month about his experiences.


July meeting was at Rick Hughes. Rick showed his new layout and discussed his new MTS control system.


August was the LGB Model Railroad Club Convention in Mystic, Connecticut.


Sep. meeting is the annual club Picnic at Lofino Park. This will be a swap meet. Open houses for this month are Barnhardt’s, Davis’, Elliott’s, Klatt, LaMusga’s and Sines.


October meeting at Mill Ridge Village and the speaker will be Steve Blessing. Steve & Heather Blessing own Green Vista Water Gardens. Hosts are Gordon & Judy Havens. Plans for GATS at the Airport Expo with Jim Pugh in charge.


Nov. meeting at Carillon Park with Bill Logan discussing landscaping and lighting. Pat Hagerty is the host. NMRA show is at Hara Arena Nov. 6-7.


Dec. meeting is the annual Christmas party at Barnhardt’s. We will set up a display for Carillon Park’s Hometown Holiday.


Roster of officers

President Jack Wilson

VP Jim Pugh

Treasurer Bud Ragan

Secretary Judy Havens

Programs John Bernard

Bob & Delores Premus

Marketing Frank Klatt

Membership Pat Hagerty

Operations Gordon Havens/Gary Sines

Equipment Denny LaMusga

Historian Karen Engel

Tracks Ed. Wil & Jeanne Davis

Webmaster Peter Wine

Jan. meeting at Carillon Park with speaker Michael Robinette, Executive Director, Miami Valley Regional

Planning Commission. Mr. Robinette gave a presentation on the Dayton Aviation Heritage Street Car System. This system uses street cars to connect aviation trail sites. First stage is to connect the Air Force Museum with Downtown Dayton and the Wright Dunbar area. Ultimately, it will also connect to Carillon Park and other relevant sites. Hosts were Bob & Delores Premus.

Feb. meeting at Carillon Park with Jim Henry presenting a program on area railroads.

March was our annual Banquet at the Presidential Banquet Center. Speaker was Lewis Polk concerning Aristo-craft trains and G gauge.

April 1-3 was the East Coast Large Scale Train Show in York, PA. Monthly meeting was at Mill Ridge Village with Don Oeters as speaker. Don presented his plan for a Large-Scale train layout in conjunction with the Cincinnati Garden Railway Society and locating it in West Chester.

May meeting was at AMVETS with roundtable presentations “Control of G Gauge Trains”, “Making people”, and “Garden Railroad Photography”. Hosts were the Watterworth’s.

June meeting was at LaMusga’s with Gordon Walbroehl and Frank Durham talking about purchasing trains on eBay. The club participated in a Rail Raising for Rick Hughes.

July meeting was at Gary & Joni Sines showing their Narrow-Minded & Clear-Cut Logging Co. RR. They also entertained us with music by the Abnormal Sines. NMRA National Train Show was in Cincinnati July 9-10. The club participated in the Four Club Tour by taking a bus to tour the Cincinnati layouts. We participated in a Rail Raising at O’Connors.

August meeting was at Hughes new elevated layout. GATS was at Hara Arena Aug. 13-14. The club helped the Gebele’s improve and update their layout.

Sep. meeting was our annual Picnic at Indian Riffle Park with entertainment by the Accordian with Frank Klatt explaining the history and types of music.

Oct. meeting was at Mill Ridge Village with Wil Davis showing us how to build trestles. Oct. 14-16 was the Large Scale Unconvention with an emphasis on LGB.

Nov. meeting was at Wegerzyn Garden Center with speaker Lynda Nelson from the Ohio Rail Commission talking about Museums and Rail Excursions available in Ohio. Hosts were Tom & Theresa Elliott. Nov. 5-6 NMRA at Hara Arena.

Dec. meeting was our annual Christmas Party at Barnhardt’s. Gifts were collected for children served by the Montgomery County Board of Mental Retardation and Mentally Disabled transportation department; this program has been supported for the last 9 years by MVGRS.


2006 Roster remains the same except Tom Elliott is now the Equipment person.

Jan. meeting was at Wegerzyn Garden Center with a “Show and Tell” of all our fabulous Christmas gifts that are train related. We held election of officers with the only change was Tom Elliott becoming our Equipment person. Rodney and Donna Meeks held their annual Open House on Jan. 7 from 6pm until 9pm. This newsletter has a nice article with pictures about the Dayton Union Train Station.

Feb meeting was at Wegerzyn with Wil Davis and Sue Wright presenting a program on “Building structures from stone and concrete”.

March was our annual banquet at the Presidential Banquet Center with Scott Trostel an author with many books written about the railroads here in Ohio. March 31-April 2 is the East Coast Large Scale Train Show.

April meeting was at Wegerzyn with a program by Gary Sines on rebuilding birdhouses and making structures using Styrofoam.

May meeting was at the Davis’ with Barbara Abler showing techniques for trimming and pruning our miniature trees for our layouts. This newsletter has many pictures of correct pruning tools. May 27 was the day to help spruce up the layout of the Ragan’s.

June meeting at O’Connor’s with a presentation on “Control Systems for indoor and outdoor layouts” by Denny LaMusga. Miami Valley Railfest at Carillon Park Jun. 24.

July meeting was held at Bob & Betty Messmore’s with Wil Davis hosting a question and answer program.

August meeting was held at the Wright’s. The program was presented by Wil Davis and Peter Wine on types of roadbed. Xenia Railfest is Aug. 26 with Gordon Havens in charge.

Sep. was our annual picnic at Rodney & Donna Meeks with Mike Mason as speaker. Mike will talk about various railroads that ran thru this area including the “Grasshopper”. MVGRS members traveled to NJ to learn about the LGB MTS control system. Frank Klatt, Bob Messmore and Jim Engel went to this demonstration and hands on learning opportunity.

Oct. meeting at Wegerzyn with Gordon Walbroehl presenting information available thru our library. Our 4 Club Tour went to Columbus where we were joined by people from Detroit, Cleveland and Pittsburgh in addition to our clubs.

Nov. meeting was at Wegerzyn with a presentation by Green Vista Water Gardens. NMRA is Nov. 4-5 at Hara Arena.

Dec. meeting was our annual Christmas Party at Barnhardt’s. Carillon Hometown Holidays has asked us to set up a display in the Kettering Building for Dec. 8-9. Other displays include the Kettering Tower lobby display that we have been involved in the maintenance and upkeep for several years. Clifton Mill Christmas Display is quite an extravagant display. In 1992 we helped set up a train layout, trained some employees how to run it and maintain it.

President Jack Wilson
VP Jim Pugh
Treasurer Bud Ragan
Secretary Judy Havens
Programs Denny LaMusga/Bob & Delores Premus
Marketing Frank Klatt
Membership Pat Hagerty
Operations Gordon Havens/Gary Sines
Equipment Tom Elliott
Historian Karen Engel
Tracks Editors Wil & Jeanne Davis
Webmaster Peter Wine

January Meeting at Wegerzyn was informal “show and tell” of Christmas gifts and a Swap Meet. We also encouraged members to attend the “Open House” for volunteers at Entertrainment Junction. Tom Bartsch wrote a nice article about the volunteer work being done there.

February meeting at Wegerzyn featured Ben Bayer, President of The Site Group, a landscape /architect firm out of New Carlisle, OH. Ben talked to the club members about several Garden Railways that he had designed and built in our area. Bob Marcischak employed his firm to design and build his train layout. Tom Bartsch gave a presentation on the roundhouse being built and installed at EJ. The need to “thin” out our library was discussed, it is quite large and heavy. We previewed a “car railer” that Chris Schultz had. It helps you get your cars on the tracks without messing with the wheels.

March meeting was our annual Banquet which was held at the Dayton FOP 44 Hall. It was catered by Davidson Catering. Our guest speaker was Joseph Schwieterman, PhD who talked on the economic impact and decline of railroads. On the 24th of March, we will have a workshop on building crossbucks. Wil Davis is in charge of this, the cost is $20 and you will take home a finished crossbucks. The workshop will be in Jerry and Lynn Humston’s basement. ECLSTS is in York, PA March 30-31.

April meeting, we showed our finished Crossbucks, talked about ECLSTS and the Banquet. We made plans for round table demos for our next meeting and asked for volunteers for the “Four Club Tour” held in July; Bob Messmore is chairing that venture.

May meeting was held at Frank Finney and Lisa Davis’ home. Their backyard is entirely taken up with their pond and railroad. It is quite a sight. Club members helped Jack and Sharon Wilson resurrect their railroad. We had a Clinic on building with “blue” foam in Humston’s basement. Most of the club members participated and took home a 5”x8” shed style building.

June meeting was held at Rick and Carolyn Hughes home…we helped them celebrate their wedding. Peter Wine presented a program on photographing your trains. He gave examples and ideas on how to best photograph them. June also had the Miami Valley Rail Fest at Carillon Park. We set up a track and trains and got club members to volunteer to man the trains and run their own trains.

July was held at LaMusga’s with Sharon Wilson showing how different sized people can be used on your railroad. July was the Four Club Tour…Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis. We had 6 of our club members’ homes open for this tour…Wright’s, Sine’s, Elliott’s, Wilson’s, LaMusga’s and Humston’s.

August meeting was at Humston’s with Greg Walters presenting a talk about collecting railroad stocks and bonds. August also had the Xenia Rail & Arts Festival where we ran trach down the grassy area near the Courthouse and that side of the street. The club purchased an EasyBend DouTrack Rail Bender for $250 for all the members to borrow.

September was our Annual Picnic. This year, we had it at Aley Church. Columbus Train Club is having an Open House on Sep. 9. LaMusga’s are having a “night” run to show their buildings and trains lit. News that LGB has been purchased by Marklin…no idea what that means for future of LGB products.

October meeting is back at Wegerzyn with a program concerning the possibility of a high speed rail system for Ohio.

November meeting is at Wegerzyn with a program on Digital Command control presented by Gene Rahrig. November is also NMRA at Hara Arena with Jerry Humston in charge. We will have a large layout and a kids train for them to run.

December meeting is our annual Christmas Party at Barnhart’s. Mike will have organs and calliopes as well as trains running. We donated Christmas presents to the Board of Mental Retardation for distribution to the children. We also had a circle of track at the Waco Museum in Troy.
We lost member John Bernard on Nov. 24. RIP.

President Jim Pugh
VP Jerry Humston
Past Pres. Jack Wilson
Treasurer Dave Hamilton
Secretary Judy Havens
Programs Bob Messmore/Denny LaMusga
Marketing Frank Klatt
Membership Pat Hagerty
Operations Gordon Havens/Gary Sines
Equipment Tom Elliott
Historian Karen Engel
Tracks Editors Wil & Jeanne Davis
Webmaster Jerry Humston

January meeting at Wegerzyn with annual Swap Meet and Show & Tell from Christmas. We had set up a train for the Polen Farm Christmas in Dec. We had our annual election of officers. Membership is $15.

February meeting was again at Wegerzyn with Round Tables on painting and modifying people by Karen Engel, Denny LaMusga is showing how to light structures and have street lights for your nighttime pleasure. Jim Pugh will talk about UPS only making right-hand turns. Feb. is the South East Large Scale Train Show in Perry, GA Feb.15-16

March is our annual Banquet at the FOP Hall with Richard Strauss as our speaker. Deb O’Connor is chair of the Banquet and Sue Wright and her committee provided food. Greg Walters set tables for a static display. Pat Hagerty got door prizes. Cost was $20. ECLSTS is March 28-29 in York, PA.

April meeting was at Wegerzyn with Jack Wilson talking about “How to resurrect your railroad”. In Columbus, Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland is asking Amtrak to study passenger service between Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton and Cincinnati.

May meeting was at Wegerzyn with highlighting the “Garden Railway Magazine” article about Bob and Marge Mott’s railway and the assistance they received from two college students doing an “internship” at their home. Tom Bartsch reported that the Signs are up at Entertrainment Junction with a projected opening the end of June.

June meeting at Jim and Barb Satterfield’s home in Miamisburg. Jim will tell us about his layout and his control box. June is time for the Carillon Railfest with Jim Satterfield in charge, Jun.22-23.

July meeting is at Jerry and Lyn Humston’s July 12 is the four club tour…Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton and Cincinnati. Entertrainment Junction opened to family and friend only on July 15. Dry run openings will be July 18 and July 25 with the official advertised opening on August 1.

August meeting at Denny and Judy LaMusga’s. Denny will demonstrate upgrading the performance of locomotives. He will also demo his recently installed turntable and servicing area. August is also the Xenia Rail and Arts festival on Aug. 23

September meeting is our annual picnic. It is held this year at Aley Church Pavilion on Sep 14.

October meeting was again at Wegerzyn with Wil Davis presenting a workshop on electrical things, Judy LaMusga showing the proper way to trim trees and shrubs to achieve the correct scale for our railroads and Gary Sines showing us different materials to use foe scratch built cars and buildings.

November meeting was at Entertrainment Junction and we can tour the layout for free! November 1-2 was NMRA Show at Hara Arena. Nov.25 was the train set up for Waco Museum in Troy and the Kettering Tower display was also set up this month.

December meeting was our annual Christmas Party at the Barnhart’s. As usual, everyone enjoyed the food, friendship and entertainment provided by Mike and his Band Organ and various other electronic instruments.


President Jerry Humston
Vice President Bob Messmore
Past President Jim Pugh
Treasurer Dave Hamilton
Secretary Jim and Barb Satterfield
Programs Vacant
Marketing Frank Klatt
Membership Pat Hagerty
Operations Gordon Havens/Gary Sines
Equipment Danny & Dawn Wells
Historian Karen Engel
Tracks Editors Wil & Jeanne Davis
Webmaster Jerry Humston

January – Wegerzyn Garden Center Show and Tell. Vogt’s are hosts.
February – Wegerzyn Garden Center with Denny LaMusga presenting a program on G gauge couplers.
March – MVGRS annual Banquet at FOP Lodge in Huber Heights.
Great Train Expo at Hara Mar. 21-22.
East Coast Large Scale Train Show at York, PA. March 27-28.
April – Meeting at Greene County Historical Society with a program by Chris Schulz.
May – Wegerzyn Garden Center program by Jerry Woodbury “Water Gardening 101”
June – Track and trailer work at Messmore’s on 13th.
Monthly meeting at Jerry Humston’s with a presentation on 3C Corridor passenger service from Cleveland to Cincinnati.
Carillon Railfest is June 27-28 Jim Satterfield in charge.
July – National Garden Railway Convention Denver, CO. July 5-11
Monthly meeting at Lisa Davis and Frank Finney’s
Open House at LaMusga July 19 from 1 till 4 pm.
August – Four Club Tour in Cincinnati Aug. 8
Monthly meeting at Messmore’s.
August 23 is Xenia Rail and Arts Festival
September – Annual Picnic at Aley Church Sep. 13
ECLSTS at York, Pa. Sep. 25-26
October – Wegerzyn Garden Center with program on building with Jigstones by Dawn Wells, making fimo figures with Karen Engel and powering your railroad with Denny LaMusga.
November – Meeting at EnterTRAINment Junction
December – Annual Christmas Party at Barnhart’s
Kettering Tower train display worked on by MVGRS members.
Display set up at Packard Museum, Jim Pugh in charge.

President Jerry Humston
Vice President Bob Messmore
Past President Jim Pugh
Treasurer Dave Hamilton
Secretary Jim and Barb Satterfield
Programs Judy Havens
Marketing Frank Klatt
Membership Pat Hagerty
Operations Gordon Havens/Gary Sines
Equipment Danny & Dawn Wells
Historian Karen Engel
Tracks Editors Wil & Jeanne Davis
Webmaster Jerry Humston

January – Wegerzyn Garden Center Show and Tell. Jerry Humston has a “year in review” on a disc for our enjoyment.
Teardown of Packard Museum display
February – Wegerzyn Garden Center program by Jack Wilson and Jerry Humston on making trestles for G gauge railroads.
March – Wegerzyn Garden Center with the program being 3 round tables, Sharon Wilson with Sculpey, Pat Hagerty and Judy LaMusga on pruning trees and shrubs, Danny Wells sharing what his AristoCraft Revolution remote control system could do.
Mar. 20-21 GTE Show at Hara.
March 26-27 ECLSTS in York, PA.
April – Annual Banquet at EnterTRAINment Junction
April 17 Scratch-built car seminar by Gary Sines.
May – Wegerzyn Garden Center program on power supplies and wiring by Denny LaMusga
June – Meeting at Rick and Carolyn Hughes. Rick will have a program on battery power for your engines.
Carillon Railfest June 26
July – Meeting at Dawn and Danny Wells program will be how to do a video of your railroad.
August – NGRC in Tacoma, WA. Aug. 1-8
Meeting at Crawford’s to see their new layout.
Aug. 21 Open Railroads
Xenia Rail & Arts Festival Aug. 28.
September – Four Club Tour in Columbus Sep. 11
Annual Picnic at Meek’s
Fall ECLSTS York, Pa. Sep. 24-26.
October – Monthly meeting at EnterTRAINment Junction Oct. 10
November – Wegerzyn Garden Center
NMRA Train Show Hara Nov. 6-7
December – Packard Museum layout Jim Pugh in charge Dec. 7
Annual Christmas Party at Barnhart’s
Kettering Tower display


President ……Jerry Humston
VP …………….Bob Messmore
Secretary …..Jim & Barb Satterfield
Treasurer …..Dave Hamilton
Marketing ….Frank & Bonnie Klatt
Programs …..Rick Hughes
Membership Pat Hagerty
Operations ..Gordon Havens/Gary Sines
Equipment ..Danny and Dawn Wells
Editors ……..Judy Havens
Historian …..Karen Engel
Webmaster .Jerry Humston

Jan. 4…Teardown of the Packard Museum display. January meeting at Wegerzyn Garden Center was “Show and Tell from your Christmas goodies
February meeting at Wegerzyn with Dave Hamilton sharing his vast experience with e-bay biding and buying.
March meeting at Wegerzyn with Van Via sharing his “Basic Photography and use of the camera”
Third Annual Engineering Show at Entertrainment Junction March 12 & 13.
April is the 20th Banquet at the FOP Hall
May meeting at Wegerzyn with a program on getting your railroad ready for summer.
June meeting at Denny and Judy Lamusga’s home.
National Railway Convention is in Kansas City Jun 21-26
Carillon Railfest set-up is Jun. 24 Jim Satterfield and Danny Wells in charge
July meeting at Danny and Dawn Wells home. Program on building a scratch built logging caboose.
August 6 was the 4 club tour. The monthly meeting was at Crawford’s.
Hospice Benefit at Wegerzyn Aug. 28
Sep.11 is the annual picnic at Donna and Rodney Meeks home
Sep 23-24 ECLST show in York, PA
Oct. meeting at Wegerzyn with a program presented by Howard Guscar on sprays and fertilizers.
Some of our members joined the Columbus Train club on their trip to the Smokey Mountains, Engels, Wells, Humstons, and Elliotts joined the CGRS fall trip.
We started making scrapbooks of our layouts at Humston’s. Pictures, names and stories for each members layout were put into a photo album. This is an ongoing project.
Nov. meeting is at Entertrainment Junction. NMRA show is at Hara Arena Nov 5-6
Dec. meeting is our annual Christmas Party at Barnhart’s. Kettering Tower display was setup with several members helping. Packard Museum was also setup.


President……Jerry Humston
VP……………..Jack Wilson
Treasurer……Dave Hamilton
Secretary……Jim and Barb Satterfield
Programs……Rick Hughes
Membership..Elaine Guscar
Operations…. Gordon Havens/ Gary Sines
Equipment….Danny and Dawn Wells
Historian……Karen Engel
Editor……….Judy Havens
Webmaster..Jerry Humston

January meeting at Aley UMC with an “Open House of Gordon Walbroehl’s basement train room in his new home.
Feb. at AleyUMC with Mike Barnhart talking about European Trains. Carolyn Hughes is in charge of Club wears, Judy Lamusga is in charge of the Banquet and Jim Satterfield is in charge of Carillon Railfest.
March meeting at Wegerzyn with Dave Hamilton presenting a program on the Orient Express.
ECLSTS at York, PA. March 23-24
April Banquet with Jim Marks presenting “Trains of Hammond, IN” at FOP Hall with Judy Lamusga in charge.
May meeting at Wegerzyn
June at Lamusga’s home with a program by Denny Lamusga about the Great Northern Railroad. Carillon Railfest is Jun. 23/24
July meeting is at Humston’s with discussions… Howard Guscar on weeds, Dave Hamilton on e-bay.
July 14 is the 4 Club Tour with Indianapolis in charge. July 21 is the Xenia Rail and Arts Fest
August Meeting at Wil and Jeanne Davis’ home. Aug. 14-18 National Garden Railway Convention in Chicago, IL. Hobbies for Hospice at Wegerzyn Aug. 25.
Sep is the Annual Picnic at Meeks. Denny and judy Lamusga are having a night run Saturday evening Sep. 29. 7-9pm
Oct. meeting at Timpe’s home.
Nov. meeting at Entertrainment Junction. NMRA Show at Hara Arena Nov. ¾
Dec. Christmas Party at Barnhart’s. Kettering Tower setup and Packard Museum setup.


Nation Railway Convention in Mason, OH…Cincinnati and Dayton in charge

President…..Jerry Humston
VP……………Jack Wilson
Treasurer….Dave Hamilton
Secretary… Jim & Barb Satterfield
Programs….Rick Hughes
Membership…Elaine Guscar
Operations…..Gordon Havens
Equipment…..Howard Guscar
Historian……..Karen Engel
Tracks editor…Judy Havens
Webmaster…Jerry Humston

January meeting at AleyUMC with Engel’s as hosts. The program is “show and tell” of Christmas goodies.
Feb. meeting at AleyUMC with Humston’s hosting
Mar. meeting at AleyUMC with Hamilton’s hosting. Sharon Wilson presenting “Are you drowning in paper?” Mar. 22/23 ECLSTS at York, PA. Mar. 30 still working on scrapbooks of our layouts at Humston’s.
April annual Banquet at FOP Hall. Still working on Scrapbooks of layouts Sat. April 20.
May meeting at AleyUMC with Gail Richardson and Jim Painter as hosts. Recruiting for National Convention at Great Wolf Lodge. Need workers and open railroads.
June meeting at Satterfield’s. NGRC at Great Wolf Lodge in Mason, OH. Cincinnati club and Dayton club worked the convention. We had several open houses…Elliott’s reported 30 guests from USA 3 from Canada and 1 from Australia! Carillion Railfest Jun 22/23 with Jim Satterfield in charge.
July meeting at Timpe’s.
August meeting at Wil and Jeanne Davis’. Hobbies for Hospice at Wegerzyn on August 24.
Sep. Annual Picnic with Jerry Humston cooking at the FOP Hall. Gravity Race at Picnic presented by Danny Wells and Howard Guscar. Open house at Frank and Bonnie Klatt’s.
October meeting at O’Connor’s
November meeting at Entertrainment Junction with Wilson’s hosting. Nov. 2/3 NMRA at Hara Arena
December Annual Christmas Party at Barnhart’s. Toys for disabled children has been a tradition, but this year, we are not able to do this. This year we are giving toys to St. Paul’s UMC on Huffman Ave. who serves families and children who are disadvantaged. Kettering Tower display and Packard Museum display.


President………Jim Satterfield
VP ……………….Jack Wilson
Treasurer………Dave Hamilton
Secretary………Lynne Hamilton
Programs………Bob Marcischak
Membership….Elaine Guscar
Operations……Gordon Havens
Equipment……Howard Guscar
Historian……..Karen Engel
Tracks Editor..Judy Havens
Webmaster….Jerry Humston

January meeting at AleyUMC with Engel’s as hosts with “show and tell” as program
February meeting at Aley with Lamusga as hosts with Design a Caboose as our program as well as a swap meet.
March meeting at AleyUMC with Kyvik as hosts. ECLSTS in York, PA March 21/22
April Annual Banquet at Beavercreek Golf Club with Donna Meek and Barb Satterfield in charge. Program presented by Frances Parker on the history of the Whitewater Valley Railroad.
May meeting at Entertainment Junction
June Meeting at Danny and Dawn Wells. Lamusga’s announced the sale of their home and the tear up of their outdoor train layout. Many items for sale. Carillon Railfest Jun. 21/22
July meeting at Tom and Theresa Elliott’s.
August meeting is the Club Annual Picnic at Payne’s in Xenia. Hobbies for Hospice is Aug. 23
September meeting at O’Connor’s. ECLSTS in York, PA. Sep 19/20. Whitewater Valley Railroad excursion on 9/20.
October meeting is hosted by Jack and Sharon Wilson at the Xenia Historical Society
November meeting at AleyUMC with Timpe’s as hosts. Nov. 1/2 NMRA at Hara
December Christmas Party at Xenia Historical Society. Toys for St. Paul’s children. Kettering Tower set-up and Packard Museum.


President Jim Satterfield
VP Jack Wilson
Treasurer Dave Hamilton
Secretary Lynne Hamilton
Programs Bob Marcischak
Membership Elaine Guscar
Operations Gordon Havens
Equipment Howard Guscar
Historian Karen Engel
Tracks Editor Judy Havens
Webmaster Jerry Humston

January meeting at Aley church with sharing of Christmas goodies and new purchases. We have 51 paid memberships.
February meeting at Aley church with a “swap meet”. Howard Guscar presented a talk on bugs and pesticides.
March is our annual Banquet at Beavercreek Golf Club with a cost of $25 per plate. Barb Satterfield and Donna meek co-chaired this event. We had Cyndi Johnson from “Applied Imagination” as our speaker. Membership at 61. Gayle Richardson wrote an article on train storage and packing this month.
May meeting at EJ. Hobbies for Hospice was canceled for this year. We are having a workday to replace present track joiners with split_jaw clamps and removing wooden dowels from plywood beds on May 30 at RC Hobby Center; Howard Guscar is in charge.
June meeting at Matt and Jen Vogt’s home. Railfest at the Carillon is June 27 & 28 with Howard Guscar in charge.
July meeting is at Bob & Pam Marcischak’s home. National Railway Convention is in Denver, CO. July 6-11. We had several presentations on the “perfect” method to power our trains for Railfest and other shows. Dave Hamilton has one idea, Gene Rahrig has another with Rick Hughes and Danny Wells also having different ideas. No decision has been made at this time.
August meeting at Jim and barb Satterfield’s.
September meeting was our annual picnic at Rodney and Donna Meeks home.
Multi-club tour with open houses at Meel’s, Wilson’s, O’Connor’s, LaMusga’s and Wells’. Attendance was down, so this may be the last 4 club tour.
October meeting was at Aley church. We have a new format for the newsletter thanks to Jerry Humston.
November meeting at Aley. NMRA on Nov. 7 & 8 with O’Connor’s in charge.
December meeting at the Historical Society in Xenia for our annual Christmas Party. Set-up for Kettering Tower and Packard Museum. Toys donated to St. Paul’s church.


President Jim Satterfield
VP Jack Wilson
Treasurer Cheryl Timpe
Co-Secretary Jen Vogt
Co-Secretary open
Programs Bob Marcischak
Membership Elaine Guscar
Operations Gordon Havens
Equipment Howard Guscar
Historian Karen Engel
Tracks editor Jerry Humston
Webmaster Jerry Humston

January meeting at Aley with Timpe’s hosting. Kettering Tower teardown Jan. 5.
Historian is writing an article every month for the Tracks because it was decided that this year was our 25th anniversary as a club. The club lost long time members Pat Haggerty and Betty Betscher.
February meeting was at Aley church with Lyn Humston giving us her Valentine decorations and goodies.
March meeting at Aley with LaMusga’s as hosts. ECLSTS in York, PA Mar. 25/26.
April meeting is our Annual Banquet with Barb Satterfield and Donna Meek in charge at the Beavercreek Golf Club.
May meeting at EJ with Jack and Sharon Wilson as hosts.
June meeting at Paul and Deb O’Connor’s home. June 24 & 25 is Carillon Railfest with Howard Guscar and Gene Rahrig in charge. June 4, Howard and Gene set up a small display at Bradford Railroad Museum.
July meeting at Jerry and Lyn Humston’s home.
August meeting is at Rodney and Donna Meek’s home. Hara Arena closes the end August, so NMRA will need to find a different venue.
September meeting is our annual picnic at Matt and Jen Vogt’s home. Sep. 17 & 18 is our 25th Anniversary Open Houses (11 railroads will be open).
October meeting at Aley church with Frank and Bonnie Klatt as hosts.
November meeting at Aley with Bob and Pam Marcischak as hosts. NMRA show is Nov. 5 & 6 with Paul O’Connor in charge at Upper Valley Mall in Springfield.
December meeting is our annual Christmas Party at Greene County Historical Society with Barb Satterfield and Donna Meek as hosts. Kettering Tower set up and Packard Museum. Toys for St. Paul’s.


President Gene Rahrig
VP Dave Timpe
Treasurer Cheryl Timpe
Secretary Jen Vogt
Programs Bob Marcischak
Membership Debbie O’Connor
Operations Gordon Havens
Equipment Howard Guscar
Historian Karen Engel
Tracks editor Jerry Humston
Webmaster Jerry Humston

January meeting Aley church Engel’s hosts with our annual showing and telling of holiday purchases and gifts. Teardown of Kettering Tower and Packard museum displays. Revised the By-Laws to increase the dues to $20. The purchase of a new trailer was approved by the members in attendance.
February meeting at Aley church with Howard and Elaine Guscar as hosts to our annual “swap meet”. Sympathy to Tom Bartsch for the loss of his wife Judy.
March meeting at Aley church with Howard and Elaine Guscar as hosts. Demonstration of the new hand-held controller that was purchased for club use. Mar. 24/25 ECLS train show in York, PA.
April 9th is our annual Banquet with Dawn Wells in charge at the Beavercreek Golf Club. A new trailer has been purchased.
May meeting at Entertrainment Junction with Jack and Sharon Wilson as hosts. the program is a tour of EJ and a plant exchange.
June meeting at O’Connor’s. Jun. 3 is Bradford Rail Heritage Days with Howard and Van Via setting up and running trains. Jun. 24 & 25 Carillon Railfest with Howard Guscar in charge. The rain made setup difficult, so Saturday morning early, everyone turned out to get it up and running. Wind and sprinkles challenged us all day. We were asked to enlarge for next Railfest. We plan to replace and redo some of the stansions.
July meeting at Jim and Barb Satterfield’s home. July 10-15 in Tulsa, OK National Railway Convention.
August is our annual Picnic at Wells’ home.
September meeting is at Tom and Theresa Elliott’s new home. Sep. 9 train ride from Connersville, IN to Metamora and back.
October meeting at Aley church with Joe Kemmerer as host. Program is a silent auction of items the club no longer uses as well as individual member’s items.
November meeting at Aley with Frank and Bonnie Klatt as hosts. NMRA at Upper Valley Mall again with plans for next year at the new Montgomery County Fairgrounds.Nov. 14 is set up for Kettering Tower, Packard Museum and a new set up for Christmas at Carillon Park which Jim Satterfield will oversee.
December is our annual Christmas Party at the Greene County Historical Society. We will also had an election of next year’s officers at that time.


President Gene Rahrig
VP Dave Timpe
Treasurer Cheryl Timpe
Secretary Debby Kunselman
Membership Debbie O’Connor
Operations Gordon Havens
Historian Karen Engel
Tracks editor Jerry Humston
Webmaster Jerry Humston

January meeting at Aley church. Jan. 9 teardown of Kettering Tower and Packard Museum and Carillon Park exhibits. Club minutes are now included in the Tracks.
February meeting at Aley church. Plans were discussed rehabbing our layout buildings. Deb O’Connor will head this up at her home. Wil Davis demoed the club owned rail bender.
March meeting at Aley church with a swap meet. Meadowview growers are having seminars on small stepable plants this month.
April annual Banquet at Hollywood Gaming Casino speaker is Becky Coates of Hartland locomotives Dawn Wells is in charge. Prizes will be raffled off with tickets purchased 6 for $5. work session at Deb O’Connor’s to rehab houses.
May meeting at EJ with Jack and Sharon Wilson as hosts with a plant exchange.
June meeting at O’Connor’s home. Jun. 4-8 National Garden Railway Convention at Atlanta, GA. Jun. 23/24 Carillon Railfest with Bob and Diane Van Hook in charge.
July meeting at Aley Pavilion.
August meeting at Elliott’s(inside because a nasty storm came up. Lance Crooks showed how to modify NTH cars with Kadee couplers.
September is our annual Picnic at Gene Rahrig’s
October meeting at Aley church
November meeting at Aley church. Nov. 4/5 NMRA at the new Montgomery Fairgrounds. Nov. 13 for set up of Kettering Tower and Packard Museum. Nov. 25 setup of Carillon Park Christmas display in the Dicke building.
December annual Christmas Party at Greene County Historical Society. Election of new officers for 2019. Toys for St. Paul’s collected and delivered.


President Gene Rahrig
VP Van Via
Treasurer Howard Guscar
Secretary Debby Kunselman
Membership Debbie O’Connor
Historian Karen Engel
Tracks Editor Jerry Humston

January meeting at Aley church with Matt and Jen Vogt as hosts. Show and tell of our purchases and gifts. Jan. 6 Kettering Tower and Packard Museum teardown.
February meeting at Aley church with Jim and Karen Engel hosting.
March meeting at Aley church. ECLS Train Show last time in York, PA March 29/30
April annual Banquet with Dawn Wells in charge, a speaker from Wild Birds Unlimited. Speaker Erica Hawk.
May meeting at EJ. Swap meet with Northern Ohio, Columbus and MVGRS at Wells on May 18.
June meeting at O’Connor’s home. Jun. 1 Railroad Days in Bradford. Purchased track for expansion of layout at Carillon Railfest. Jun. 22/23 Carillon Railfest with Bob and Diane Van Hook in charge.
July meeting at Jim and barb Satterfield’s home.
August Picnic at Gene Rahrig’s. 35th National Railway Convention in Portland, OR. Aug. 27-31. We have our flag back to display.
September meeting at Rodney and Donna Meek’s home. Sep. 7/8 Elliott’s will have an open house to feature their renovated railroad. NMRA was discussed…they have no suitable space for us again this year, so we declined their offer to participate.
October meeting at Aley church with Denny and Judy LaMusga hosting.
November meeting at Aley church with Dave and Cheryl Timpe hosting. Nov. 12 is set up for Kettering Tower and Packard Museum. Carillon Park Christmas will be later. We will have elections next month at the Christmas Party.
December meeting is the annual Christmas Party at Greene County Historical Society in Xenia with Jen Vogt hosting. We collected toys for St. Paul’s. UD Research Institute asked us to have a Polar Express layout for their Christmas Party